Friday, February 25, 2011

Caving in...

So I finally caved and started a blog. I secretly follow a lot of blogs and have always wanted to start one since we got married, but I have always been afraid that it wouldn't be interesting and just silly! I am far from being eloquent with words but more so than anything this is to share pictures and keep my family updated on our happenings. 
Chris, Trayden, and I will be heading out in the next 2 weeks for the whole summer so I'm sure our 6 month adventure won't come with out a few blog worthy experiences. We are excited for this adventure but also a little anxious about how productive work will be for Chris. He is so talented but you just never know. We will start out in Texas.....(YAY!!!) for the first month and then head to Washington! My mother, or as Trayden calls her Lollie, is so kindly flying out here to make the 24 hour drive with Trayden and me because Chris is flying out a week before to get the ball rolling for work. Ive made this drive countless times and actually don't mind it all; however, I have never done it with a 3 1/2 year old! So exciting things the next couple weeks! (Pray the portable DVD player doesn't die on me and that Tray will happen to be very sleepy those 24 hours!)

1 comment:

  1. Girl, getting blogging! Once your in, your in! You've gotta post. I want to see Tray!
